COMET Patient and Public Involvement Toolkit
COMET Patient and Public Involvement Toolkit

COS uptake

Once a high-quality core outcome set has been developed it is vital that it is used to improve the quality of research and avoid future research waste. Public research partners (PRPs) have the potential to bring a powerful voice to the promotion of COS uptake.

Promoting COS uptake

When promoting COS uptake, PRPs can collaborate with the research team to consider:

How to promote the COS
  • How can patients’ voices help promote the use of the COS?
  • What key messages could be used by public research partners to encourage COS uptake?
  • Patient communities can help promote COS uptake – how could this happen?  Are there any existing links with patient organisations that could be used?
How to tackle barriers to COS uptake
  • If barriers to COS uptake are anticipated or develop during the study, is there anything that the patient voice can do to address these challenges?

Access a PDF of the questions on this page here.

Relevant PPI resources

The following resources may be useful when involving patients / the public in promoting COS uptake.

Resources for PRPs

Resources for COS developers involving patients / the public in their work
